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2682 Posts |
Posted - 01/28/2009 : 10:14:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hallowed Dreams
I cant express how dissapointed I am and I dont have to go any further with this because I believe it. Carlo changed and not for the better. I have heard the term tossed under a bus used and thats what hes done to the residents and the council. I dont get what happened unless thats the real him. When it comes to Woodwaste he goes crazy. I heard stories out there how upset he gets at people that speak out against Woodwaste and how personal he takes it and I heard a few stories of payback. His attitude to the residents and the council over all this has been disgraceful and even though he may not have been directly involved in these events, he never did anything about them. Not a nice way to live.
Someone should get a legal opinion from a lawyer that specializes in city agreements if that agreement is even legal, since it was the lawyer that is defending him in court. The folks from Newburyport should ask the judge in court that question, especially if the lawyer Nylen brings it up in court. If anything its a ethical problem and Sal Dimasi is gone over ethical issues.
I just wanted to mention that I know the feeling that "someone has changed" I agree 100% and I also feel that his Chief of Staff and her stuck up power trip contributed to this. She gives all wrong advice on what to do and how to handle things. She was a big mistake for the Mayor. The bottom line, he has no one to blame but himself. He acted in this crazy manner and did toss the residents under a bus for Thibeault and did not do right by the residents. She's been so busy writing propaganda articles in the newspapers knowing perfectly well that the City of Everett did not draft that consent agreement (which is not even an order??)
This is the biggest mess that I can ever remember. |
2682 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2009 : 11:59:11 AM
COMMUNICATIONS FROM HIS HONOR THE MAYOR 1. A0072-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President To reduce the FY 09 budgetary appropriation by $837,878.00 due to Governor Patrick’s 9C cuts.
$837,878 will come from the following departmental accounts:
City Council Office supplies 01-111-11-111-5420 1,000 Mayor's Office Meetings/Travel auto 01-121-11-121-5194 1,000 Reserve Fund 01-121-11-132-5700 167,500 Auditor's Office Overtime 01-135-10-135-5130 500 Audit/Professional Svs 01-135-11-135-5307 5,000 Budget Office Salaries 01-137-10-137-5111 14,000 Assessor's Office Overtime 01-141-10-141-5130 400 Office Supplies 01-141-11-141-5420 900 Professional Services 01-141-25-142-5301 10,000 Treas/Collector Salaries 01-145-10-145-5111 35,000 Overtime 01-145-10-145-5130 900 Bank Charges 01-145-11-145-5385 12,000 Postage 01-145-13-159-5344 2,000 Solicitor's Office Prof Development 01-151-11-151-5710 1,000 MIS Salaries 01-155-10-155-5111 56,000 Hardware/Software 01-155-50-155-5429 10,000 Data Processing 01-155-51-155-5316 25,000 City Clerk Prof Development 01-161-11-161-5710 1,500 Recounts 01-161-11-163-5387 500 Street Lists 01-161-11-163-5389 323 Reg Elect Exp 01-161-11-163-5700 150 Inspectors 01-161-26-162-5129 2,500 Custodians 01-161-26-162-5290 300 Advertising 01-161-26-162-5346 687 Prep of voting machine 01-161-26-162-5380 1,000 Supplies 01-161-26-162-5580 2,440 Misc. Elect Expenses 01-161-26-162-5785 2,000 Facilities Maintenance Overtime 01-192-10-192-5130 2,000 HVAC Service Repair 01-192-11-192-5247 20,000 Police Salaries 01-210-10-210-5111 56,000 Holiday 01-210-10-210-5140 15,000 Above Grade Diffe 01-210-10-210-5144 10,000 Fire Salaries 01-220-10-220-5111 56,000 Overtime 01-220-10-220-5130 20,000 Building Overtime 01-241-10-241-5130 3,000 Professional Develop 01-241-11-241-5710 500 E911 Holiday 01-299-10-299-5140 1,000 Office Supplies 01-299-11-299-5420 2,000 Health Salaries 01-510-10-510-5111 72,500 Code Enforcement Salaries 01-525-10-525-5111 40,000 Library Salaries 01-610-10-610-5111 10,000 Recreation Salaries 01-630-10-630-5111 32,500 Overtime 01-630-10-630-5130 1,000 Fixed Costs Interest on Temp Loan 01-752-11-752-5925 4,500 MWRA - Water 01-821-11-821-5694 32,000 MWRA - Sewer 01-821-11-821-5695 8,000 Health 01-914-11-914-5172 98,278 $837,878
2. A0073-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Steven A. Mazzie to serve as the Chief of the Everett Police Department for a term of three (3) years ending March 27, 2009.
3. A0075-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Mr. Paul J. Kelly to serve as the Parking Clerk for the City of Everett for a term of one (1) year.
PAPERS FROM THE COMMON COUNCIL 4. C0019-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President To transfer $119,200.00 from the Budgetary Fund Balance to the following accounts in the Veteran's Department. These transfers are necessary due to the increased usage of medical benefits for the veterans. Vet Ben-Allowance $95,000.00, Vet - Ben-Dr., Dentist, Hosp $5,000.00, Vet - Ben - Medex $19,200.00. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
5. C0020-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President To accept the donation of $5,000.00 from Joe O'Donnell, Boston, Culinary Group, Inc. to the Mayor's Office of Human Services-Emergency Services Account. This donation will be used to support the Office of Human Services Emergency Program for Everett Residents. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
6. C0021-09 Order/s/Councilor Millie J. Cardello, as President To accept the donation of $100.00 from the Vietnam Veteran Association and Iron Worker's Local 7 to the Veterans Department Gift Account. This donation will be used by the Veteran's Department to replace existing memorials with signs. (Passed sent up for concurrence)
7. A0004-09 Ordinance/s/Aldermen L. Charles DiPerri, Alderman Robert J. Van Campen, Alderman Sal Sachetta, Councilor Millie Cardello, Councilor Lorrie Bruno, Councilor Sal DiDomenico That the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett Chapter 13 Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions is hereby amended by adding Section 13-1.1 Public consumption or use of marihuana or tetrahydrocannabinol. (Amended by adding Co-Sponsors Alderman Sal Sachetta, Councilors Millie Cardello, Lorrie Bruno and Sal DiDomenico) (Enrolled in concurrence, as amended, sent up for ordainment, reconsideration failed).
8. C0013-09 Resolution/s/Councilor Anthony F. Ranieri That the City Clerk Michael Matarazzo and City Solicitor Colleen Mejia appear this meeting to answer questions on how the people of Everett can run for the Office of Charter Review Commissioner. (Referred to the Board of Aldermen for informational purposes)
PETITIONS AND LICENSES 9. A0063-09 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Dennis W. Cassidy D/B/A Parkway Auto Sales at 1847 Revere Beach Parkway
10. A0064-09 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from European Motors Auto Sales at 511 Second Street.
11. A0065-09 Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Metro Plus at 356 Broadway.
12. A0066-09 Petition for Flowering Plants Permit from Henry Mazac at 893 Broadway (Dunkin Donuts) for April 17-18-19th and May 15-16-17th for a total of six days to sell cut flowers and potted plants.
13. A0074-09 Petition for Window Grates License from Gamestop at 23 Mystic View Road where they sell video games.
COMMUNICATIONS 14. C0243-08 Communication Reconsideration filed by Alderman Wayne Matewsky on Order signed Councilor Lorrie Bruno, as President, that $14,600.00 be transferred from the Budget Office Salaries Account to the City Solicitor's Salaries Account to fund salary levels for that office, which had failed to pass at previous meeting on Monday, January 26, 2009.
COMMITTEE REPORTS 15. A0317-08 Committee on Public Service Report on Resolution offered by Entire City Council - To establish an Everett Girls and Boys Club; with a recommendation that no action necessary and to place on file.
16. A0311-08 Rules and Ordinances Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman Robert J. Van Campen-That the City of Everett enact a "Social Host Responsibility" Ordinance thereby prohibiting the services to and consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs by persons under the age of twenty-one (21) at private premises located within the City; WITH A REQUEST FOR FURTHER TIME.
17. A0014-09 Rules and Ordinance Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Aldermen L. Charles DiPerri and Robert Van Campen to Amending Section 13A-88 to accommodate the relocation of persons displaced from illegal apartments; WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR FAVORABLE ACTION.
18. A0015-09 Rules and Ordinance Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Aldermen L. Charles DiPerri and Robert Van Campen- Regulating the process for permitting a block party; WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR FAVORABLE ACTION AS AMENDED BY DELETING THE LAST SENTENCE IN SECTION D "THE FEE CHARGED FOR THE PERMIT SHALL BE TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25.00)".
19. A0016-09 Rules and Ordinance Committee Report on Ordinance offered by Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President -Reducing the number of precincts per ward from three to two; WITH A RECOMMENDTION FOR FAVORABLE ACTION.
20. A0017-09 Rules and Ordinance Committee Report on Order offered by Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President-Petitioning state legislature to allow a reduction in number of precincts in the City of Everett; WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR FAVORABLE ACTION ON THE ORDER.
21. A0041-09 License Committee Report on Petition for 2nd Class Motor Dealer License from Vets Auto Sales at 91 East Elm Street.
22. A0054-09 License Committee Report on Petition for Lodging House License from Joseph Fustolo D/B/A J & T Realty Trust at 312-314 Broadway.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS 23. A0012-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Jason Marcus That the Board of Aldermen of the City of Everett urges the Governor to pay all the bill money that is owed to the hospitals by the State, which is millions and millions of dollars, paid to the Whidden Hospital but the bill money that is owed to the Whidden Hospital will be paid because the hospital needs it desperately. (Referred to Senator and Representative for update on special consideration for this meeting.)
NEW BUSINESS 24. A0059-09 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert J. Van Campen, Michael Marchese and L. Charles DiPerri That the Mayor, the Parking Clerk, and the City Auditor appear to discuss the possibility of annually utilizing monies from the City's meter receipts account to ensure the Department is self-sustaining on an annual basis.
25. A0058-09 Order/s/Aldermen Robert J. Van Campen, Michael Marchese and L. Charles DiPerri Given the historic reductions in state aid, that a hiring freeze be imposed for all positions in the City of Everett.
26. A0060-09 Resolution/s/Aldermen Robert J. Van Campen, Michael Marchese and L. Charles DiPerri That the Mayor, the Director of Code Enforcement and the City Auditor appear to discuss the possibility of annually utilizing code enforcement fine revenues to ensure that the Code Enforcement Department is self-sustaining on an annual basis.
27. A0061-09 Ordinance/s/Alderman Robert J. Van Campen In the interest of public safety, that the City of Everett consider enacting one-sided parking on all city streets annually between November 15th and March 15th.
28. A0062-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky That the City Service Department-Snow Removal Division and Rock Salt Division take extra precautions with regards to snow removal and salting on Rosedale Ave, Garland Street and Apline Ave due to resident complaints and public safety concerns.
29. A0067-09 Ordinance/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri That the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett Chapter 18, Traffic and Motor Vehicles; Article V, Parking, Stopping and Standing; Section 18-133, Prohibited on Certain Streets is hereby amended by adding Coolidge Street, no parking both sides for a distance of thirty (30) feet, from Ferry Street in a northeasterly direction.
30. A0068-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne Matewsky and Councilor Leo McKinnon That the Chief of Police be made aware that individuals stating they are representing a fund raising department of the Everett Police Department are calling Everett citizens, and residents are taking offense to the aggressive phone solicitations, that they might want to reconsider who does their fundraising.
31. A0069-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Wayne A. Matewsky That the DCR make some efforts to remove the snow on the Revere Beach Parkway for pedestrians, like they do in other cities, at their earliest convenience.
32. A0070-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Jason Marcus To request the Fire Chief to appear this meeting concerning the overall condition of the fire trucks.
33. A0071-09 Resolution/s/Alderman Jason Marcus To thank the City Services Department for all the great work they have done during all these snowstorms.
Respectfully submitted: Caroline McCorry Administrative Assistant/Office Manager Everett City Council Office SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS 2/9 6:30PM LICENSE COMMITTEE MEETING 2/12 6PM MT. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING 2/17 7PM COMMON COUNCIL MEETING 2/18 6PM BILLS & ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE MEETING 2/19 6PM WARD FIVE NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING 2/23 7PM BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING www.You must be logged in to see this link.
Senior Member
105 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2009 : 12:57:43 PM
2. A0073-09 Order/s/Alderman L. Charles DiPerri, as President Subject to confirmation by the Honorable Board of Aldermen, I hereby appoint Steven A. Mazzie to serve as the Chief of the Everett Police Department for a term of three (3) years ending March 27, 2009.
I take this for one month don't you disgusting thought we would of gotten a new chief |
2682 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2009 : 1:16:56 PM
What I think is truly disgusting is this.
14. C0243-08 Communication Reconsideration filed by Alderman Wayne Matewsky on Order signed Councilor Lorrie Bruno, as President, that $14,600.00 be transferred from the Budget Office Salaries Account to the City Solicitor's Salaries Account to fund salary levels for that office, which had failed to pass at previous meeting on Monday, January 26, 2009.
Wayne is being used and abused and he's letting them walk all over him. If the discussion came up during budget time like it should be, then you hear them out. They just hired two people in code enforcement, 33 and 45 thousand. A Budget ASSISTANT at 52 thousand.
Now today this gets posted:
Director of Information Services City of Everett The City of Everett seeks a full-time Director of Information Services. Position provides oversight of all areas of information technology assets including planning, securing, organizing, directing, capacity planning and administering of municipal computer networks and related technology, both wide-area and local-area based, and communications management including phones, phone/data lines, pagers and PDA’s. Develops short and long-term plans for computer network/IT assets regarding equipment and technical services to effect continual service improvement and enhancement. Coordinate disaster recovery planning and testing for data and systems. Qualified applicant will have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or relevant field; master’s degree in computer science preferred; in-depth telecommunications and data cabling experience; seven years of networking and information systems technical experience and five years of IT management in a complex computing environment. Salary commensurate with experience. Please send cover letter and resume to the City Hall Personnel Office, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149; or fax to (617) 387-5770. (posted 02/04, exp. 03/06)
We all know layoffs are coming and will most likely hit safety. I hope that doesn't happen but you cant keep adding to the levy. |
5299 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2009 : 3:22:56 PM
This is not the time to be giving raises out to anyone! The city needs to be cutting back on it's spending not adding to it.
I am very disappointed that Alderman Matewsky has put item #14 back on the agenda. I am in hopes that reconsideration fails. |
2682 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2009 : 10:15:22 PM
While Jason Marcus does his brown nosing on item 33, maybe he can ask who is it that is responsible for the lack of towing for odd/even parking during a snow emergency. |
39 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2009 : 11:22:11 PM
It appears that the Solicitor's office is returning the least amount of money - $1000. Seeing that Wayne M. filed for reconsideration on their salary issue, one can only hope that the Board will vote it down. Perhaps the first-year City Solicitors will give further thought and realize that the dollars should be returned to the general fund. This would be the honorable thing to do. Their salaries could then be determined in the FY10 budget. I also hope that when the residents go to the voting booth in November, they cast their vote for Wayne's opponent and get him out of office. |
Advanced Member
1428 Posts |
Posted - 02/06/2009 : 05:06:24 AM
What's the deal with the chief's reappointment? Any idea how long it's supposed to be? |
2040 Posts |
Posted - 02/06/2009 : 07:24:09 AM
The chief's appointment is supposed to be for three years according to the city charter. The 2009 is likely a typo. Good to know that I'm not the only one with proofreading issues. |
5299 Posts |
Posted - 02/06/2009 : 11:43:26 AM
Item #14
I guess going forward, the city council will have to vote reconsideration immediately after every vote they take in order to prevent this from happening again. |
5299 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2009 : 09:06:13 AM
I was told by Alderman Matewsky that Mayor DeMaria contacted him asked the Alderman to put Item #14 back on the BOA agenda in the form of reconsideration.
So, in my opinion, the mayor didn't like the way the previous vote went and contacted the weakest "no" vote to have the issue brought up again.
If this salary increase is approved it will already increase next years budget by $23,000. Due to the financial crisis we are facing, we should not be increasing next years budget, it needs to be drastcally slashed. The first vote on this issue was a vote for the taxpayers. If that vote is overturned then it's a vote for........just fill in the blank. |
2040 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2009 : 10:49:58 AM
1. I'm glad to see that the local aid cut is being addressed by actually cutting the budget rather than trying to make the difference up with free cash and the like. The only questions that I would have are there any layoffs as a result of these cuts, what services, if any, will be impacted by these cuts and are all of the cuts sustainable thru the end of the fiscal year, i.e., it's not cooling season yet; are they sure the HVAC cut will be possible?
2. Just to correct something from the other day. The three year appointment for the police chief is actual not in the city charter; it's in an ordinance. Probably not a big deal but just for the sake of accuracy.
Some people have a problem with Chief Mazzie; I don't happen to be one of them but I understand where they are coming from. What I do have a problem with is this. Civil service law requires police and fire personnel to live within 10 miles of the perimeter of the city in which they serve. I believe that the chief lives in Boxford, which more than 10 miles from Everett. I just think that it is wrong that your top law enforcement officer's appointment breaks the law. Just to be fair, if Chief Butler's residence in North Reading is more than 10 miles from Everett, I have an issue with that too even though I think that he does a fine job as well.
3. No problem with Mr. Kelly. But what did interest me was that the appointment was only for one year. To be honest, I didn't remember his position as requiring an appointment and I didn't remember this happening last year. So I did a little research. I checked all of the BOA agendas for the first six months of 2008 and couldn't find a similar appointment last year. Then I checked the charter and section 2 of the ordinances. I couldn't find a specific requirement for an appointment for the parking clerk; but, I did find the following:
Section 2-32. Appointment of other officers.
(a) At the time fixed in section 35 of the Charter, unless the time of appointment is otherwise fixed, the mayor shall appoint annually, subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, unless otherwise specially provided by law, all city and public officers other than those enumerated in section 2-31 which are required or permitted to be appointed in cities; and all such officers shall hold office, if not sooner removed, for one (1) year, or as is indicated in the law providing for their appointment.
OK, now I understand why the item is on the agenda and why the term is only for one year. But where was the appointment last year and why hasn't the ordinance been applied to other appointments, i.e., Veterans' Service Officer?
4. Do I have a problem that veterans benefits were under funded in the last budget? Of course I do. But the difference between this and item #14 is that the city is legally obligated to fund veterans benefits, the city will face penalties if they are not funded according to Commissioner Hickey and the city will be reimbursed 75% of the cost by the state.
7. Does anyone know if there is already an ordinance drafted for the public pot smoking issue or does the piece need to be sent to committee?
8. Do you think that anyone on the BOA is interested in running for a charter review seat? I hope not.
14. I never thought there was any chance that the the City Solicitor salary transfer would ever get voted down by the BOA. I was pleasantly surprised when it was. I have explained my reasoning for this in the past. But what bothers me the most is the way that this reconsideration has been rumored to come about. A New Beginning? More like the Same Old....Stuff. This could be Alderman Matewsky's greatest flip-flop of all time. Can't wait to hear his oratory for this one; should be a classic.
19. + 20. I'd still like to hear what the benefit of reducing the number of the number of precincts per ward from three to two is.
22. It seemed as if this rooming house was made made somewhat of a scapegoat for the issue at another rooming house that ultimately received its license. It'll be interesting to see what happens with this license.
23. It seems like the state has done something to help out the Cambridge Health Alliance. Let see if they can transform their operations so that they can be a viable entity going forward.
24. We've had this discussion on the board before. The receipts from the parking meters just don't generate enough income by themselves to fund the running of the Parking Office. May be if the income from all of the tickets that they write were included too, it might be possible; but, I have no way to know that.
25. I agree that a hiring freeze needs to be put into place. However, one thing that we know is in the city charter is that the city council has no say in hiring and firing. So, I'm not sure that an order is appropriate.
26. I have no idea about how much income Code Enforcement generates a year.
27. I can't remember when or why one sided parking in the winter was discontinued. I'd have to assume it was because of an inadequate number of parking spaces for all of the cars that park in the city. This isn't a bad idea in theory but is it really practical?
30. I think that I've read about this issue, on Topix I think. What are police raising funds for anyways?
31. I share Alderman Matewsky's frustration with the DCR but these issues go nowhere. Why is that?
32. I'm sure that the news won't be good. I wonder whatever happened to the piece of fire equipment that the Mayor was trying to get from Exxon Mobil?.
33. So pick the phone Alderman Marcus, call City Services and thank them. Yes, they've done a pretty good job overall but isn't that their job? Will we be as happy when we get the bill for it?
2682 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2009 : 3:39:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by massdee
I was told by Alderman Matewsky that Mayor DeMaria contacted him asked the Alderman to put Item #14 back on the BOA agenda in the form of reconsideration.
So, in my opinion, the mayor didn't like the way the previous vote went and contacted the weakest "no" vote to have the issue brought up again.
If this salary increase is approved it will already increase next years budget by $23,000. Due to the financial crisis we are facing, we should not be increasing next years budget, it needs to be drastcally slashed. The first vote on this issue was a vote for the taxpayers. If that vote is overturned then it's a vote for........just fill in the blank.
I also spoke with the Alderman at Large and he told me the same thing, that it was the Mayor that called him in and asked him to move reconsideration.
I think that is a blatant smack to the people and the city council. Wayne says well, the mayor thinks they deserve it because they are doing more work. He also said it's a small amount for one lawyer.
He does not get it. He thinks he's not approving an increase next budget. I certainly are.
Just realize, this is Wayne under pressure and it's not right. I'm against it for reasons already mentioned. A lawyer that is doing this for service, not even for a year, does not warrant a raise and an increase in next years budget line. At budget time, if he wants to present increases fine....not now. What about all the other workers who's raises are frozen that go above and beyond? What kind of morale are we showing people when if your a buddy of the mayor you get a raise. For all the others, their years of work ethic do not matter.
This is a very bad move for Wayne and again, he is being used. By the Mayor and the Uncle. |
2040 Posts |
Posted - 02/10/2009 : 01:08:10 AM
1. I don't think that almost anyone involved in the debate on this item covered themselves in much glory tonight. First off, I didn't really see the need to send the piece to the Finance Committee. I do understand that the Aldermen are only part time employees and it takes time to digest all of this. But, it doesn't take all that much time to work thru it; most of them should have had the time to come up with their questions. Alderman Van Campen may deserve gets a little bit of a pass since he was away; but, he admitted that he made the motion on Alderman DiPerri's request.
But with that said, I also don't see the harm in sending it to Finance either. What's wrong with really understanding what's going on with the cuts? I don't know why the administration gets so defensive when someone wants to understand what they are doing. These cuts may need to be made by municipal finance law but the reality of it is that the only thing that really needs to happen is that the money need not be spent. Of course, adjusting the actual budget will help to manage that process though.
Does Alderman Marcus have any understanding of municipal finance? What's up with the City Clerk trying to amend the Mayor's piece? Which departments could cut more? And I could go on and on.
Just an ugly, ugly piece that didn't need to be that way.
7. Bet that the pot guys weren't happy that they dragged themselves to tonight's meeting for nothing. I'm going to take a guess that the ordinance hasn't been drafted or completed yet so that there wasn't anything to vote on tonight.
8. No insight on charter review from these guys. Oh well!
13. Kind of funny that the business owners insisted that this license be put in front of the BOA when it didn't need to be.
14. One more time. It's my opinion that a budget needs to be blue print for the city's plans in the coming year. If the mayor thought there was a chance that these two lawyers would be in line for a pay increase some time during the fiscal year, it should have been budgeted for. He didn't need to give it to them if they didn't deserve it. Yes, it causes the amount that would need to be raised by property taxes to be increased but having the money in your budget for possible raises is just the way that business gets done in the real world. The Mayor should be familiar with this concept; it's the same thing that he did with the step raises that he decided not to pay them out after they had been budgeted.
And a personal pet peeve. It really bothers me when discussions like this occur and neither side of the arguement can present all of the accurate numbers to support their cases. It doesn't inspire much confidence, to me anyways.
19. + 20. Sounds like the City Clerk's office did a lot of work on this. Glad to hear that it will save the city a good chunk of money on a on-going basis. Too bad that it wasn't done before the city purchased all of the new voting equipment though. I know that it still needs to be approved by the CC, but how long do you think that it will take to get this one thru the state?
28. + 33. One piece says that City Services is doing a great job; the other says that they need some work. Which is it?
31. I rethought my position on this one. Most, but not all, of the sidewalks on the Parkway are in front of someone's home or business. Aren't the owners responsible for clearing the sidewalks in front of their properties, much as we are with ours? |
5299 Posts |
Posted - 02/10/2009 : 08:37:22 AM
I haven't done this in quite a while, but I just read this on Topix and thought I would post it here.
It doesn't show up very well on the ECTV broadcast (only in some background audio) but Clowno made a jackass of himself when he burst into the chamber last night on item 1.
Marcus wanted him to appear to answer some questions and made a motion to table the item. Problem was, there was already a motion on the floor. They were in the middle of voting on that motion when Clowno bursts in and stops the meeting by saying "You called for me and now you are not going to let me speak?!" The man has no sense of decorum. What a jerk!
Wayno Ma-TOOL-Sky, what was he thinking? Melissa Murphy's uncle, former Councilor Troy really got to Wayno. Wayno certainly deserves to keep his crown as the "King of the Flip Floppers"
+20% raises for two lawyers when non union personnel don't get their step increases? Sounds fair.....NOT!
The whole thing reminds me of the Hanlon budget fiasco, albeit on a much smaller scale. Just another instance of a Mayor doing anything that he can to get what he wants when he was the one that screwed up in the first place!! And now he gets reserved parking!! LOSER!! |
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